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FRED C. WOUDHUIZEN, Traces of Ethnic Diversity in Mycenaean Greece | 5 |
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ALIN FRÎNCULEASA, BIANCA PREDA, OCTAV NEGREA, ANDREI-DORIAN SOFICARU, Bronze Age Tumulary Graves Recently Investigated in Northern Wallachia | 23 |
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ADRIAN ROBU, Le culte de Poséidon à Mégare et dans ses colonies | 65 |
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FLORINA PANAIT-BÎRZESCU, Le culte d’Apollon dans le cites grecques de la Mer Noire : l’apport de la documentation iconographique | 81 |
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VITALIE BÂRCĂ, Nomads of the Steppes on the Danube Frontier of the Roman Empire in the 1st Century CE. Historical Sketch and Chronological Remarks | 99 |
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EMILIAN POPESCU, Municipium Tropaeum | 127 |
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DAN DANA, RADU ZĂGREANU, Les indigenes en Dacie romaine ou la fin annoncée d’une exception: relecture de l’épitaphe CIL III 7635 | 145 |
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SORIN COCIŞ, VITALIE BÂRCĂ, The Workshops and Production of “Sarmatian” Brooches (Almgren Group VII, Series I) | 161 |
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A. Gramsch, U. Sommer, A History of Central European Archaeology. Theory, Methods, and Politics, Archaeolingua Series Minor 30, Budapest, 2011, 219 p. (Alexandra Ghenghea) | 177 |
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Jan Bouzek, Lidia Domaradzka, Zofia H. Archibald (Eds.), Pistiros IV. Excavations and Studies, Praha, Charles University in Prague, 2010, 246 S., zahlr. Abb., 41 Farbtaf., 1 Beil. 4° (Studia Hercynia.14) (Victor Cojocaru) | 180 |
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O. Brandt, (éd.), San Lorenzo in Lucina. The Transformations of a Roman Quarter, Skrifter utgivna Svenska Institutet Rom, 4/61/Acta Instituti romani regni Sueciae, series in 4o, 61, Stockholm, Swedish Institute in Rome, 2012 (Irina Achim) | 183 |
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Roma e le province del Danubio, Atti del I Convegno Internazionale Ferrara – Cento, 15 – 17 Ottobre 2009, a cura di Livio Zerbini, Rubbettino Editore, 2010, 499 p. (Adriana Panaite) | |
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GAVRILĂ SIMION (18. 11. 1928–28. 04. 2010) (Sorin Ailincăi) | 187 |
EUGENIA ZAHARIA (29. 01. 1921 – 27 06. 2010) (Radu Harhoiu) | 193 |
IVAN ORDENTLICH (18. 11. 1934 – 01. 10. 2011) (Tiberiu Bader) | 199 |
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