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RENATA-GABRIELA TATOMIR, Shabtiw, shawabtiw, ushabtiw in the collections of the ”Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology in Bucharest | 7 |
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VLAD-ŞTEFAN CĂRĂBIŞI, Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age. A discussion on the stage of research | 117 |
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ALEXANDRU AVRAM, Les Perses en mer Noire à l’époque de Darius Ier : nouveaux documents et nouvelles interprétations | 169 |
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THEODOR ISVORANU, IRINA ACHIM, Découvertes monétaires dans l’aire de l’église paléochrétienne de Capidava : l’apport de la campagne 2015 | 199 |
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ION TENTIUC, On the Viking enclaves and their relations with the inhabitants of the Carpathian – Dniester region between the 9th and the 11th centuries | 249 |
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ANDRáS SóFALVI, Weapon finds from King’s Rock Castle | 287 |
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GöKSEL SAZCI, MERAL BAŞARAN MUTLU, Die bronzezeitliche Siedlung Maydos Kilisetepe und ihre Beziehungen zum südöstlichen Europa | 310 |
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FRED C. WOUDHUIZEN, On the Sea Peoples and their attacks on Egypt | 331 |
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ADRIAN BĂLĂȘESCU, COSTEL ILIE, ADRIAN-IONUȚ ADAMESCU, TIBERIU SAVA, CORINA SIMION, The Noua culture horse burials from Negrilești (Galați County) | 351 |
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DAN DANA, La table de bronze de Giuleşti : fragment d’une inscription latine officielle découvert extra provinciam | 369 |
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VLATKA VUKELIć, The site of the ”Roman tavern” in Sisak. An insight into the history of antiquarian research in 19th-century Croatia | 377 |
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† G.I. Smirnova, M.Ju. Vahtina, M.T. Kašuba, E.T. Starkova, Nemirov Hillfort on the Southern Bug River. According to the excavation materials of the 20th century from collections of the State Hermitage Museum and documents kept in IHMC RAS (Gorodište Nemirov na reke Južnyj Bug. Po materialam raskopok v XX veke iz kollekcij Gosudarstvennogo Ermitaža i Naučnogo arhiva IIMK RAN). Annexes by K.B. Kalinina, A. Zakościelna, M. Kerschner and H. Mommsen, S.V. Havrin. Sankt Petersburg, 2018, 327 p., 9 annexes, 6 tables (Ion Niculiţă) | 397 |
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Petre Roman (June 29th 1935-July 25th 2019) (Cristian Schuster) | 403 |
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Gheorghe I. Cantacuzino (1937-2019) (Daniela Marcu Istrate) | 409 |
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Abréviations | 417 |