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MIHAI BĂRBULESCU, Alexandru Barnea, tel que je l’ai connu | 11 |
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VLAD NISTOR, Memories about Alexandru Avram | 19 |
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INGA GŁUSZEK, The Athenian black gloss pottery from Histria. Some remarks about the technology of production and technique of decoration | 33 |
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ALINA IANCU, LIVIU MIHAIL IANCU, The first lead spindle whorl reported from Istros | 63 |
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RADU GABRIEL PETRE, Haute cuisine in ancient Athens. An investigation into the dining habits of a Classical city | 77 |
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DRAGOȘ HĂLMAGI, Theoroi and theorodokoi in Istros and Samothrake: a new reading of SEG 51, 936 | 99 |
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LUCREZIA UNGARO, Immagine e potere dell’impero attraverso il programma figurativo: novità e continuità nel Foro di Traiano | 107 |
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CRISTINA-GEORGETA ALEXANDRESCU, Contribution on the Mithras/Sol iconography: the depiction of Mithras with rayed crown | 163 |
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ANDRZEJ B. BIERNACKI, ELENA KLENINA, Organodetritic limestone from the quarries in Hotnica in architectural details from Novae (Moesia Inferior) | 181 |
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RADU ARDEVAN, MIHAI MUNTEANU, Deux fragments de diplômes militaires romains | 201 |
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ADRIAN IONIȚĂ, FLORIAN MATEI-POPESCU, Badge of rank: the miniature spearhead baldric fastener discovered at Feldioara/Marienburg | 213 |
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CIPRIAN CREȚU, ANDREI DORIAN SOFICARU, An Early Byzantine privileged burial from Histria. (Re)discoverig grave 58 from the Basilica Extra Muros sector | 227 |
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Gerrie Van Rooijen, Goddesses of Akragas. A Study of Terracotta Votive Figurines from Sicily, Sidestone Press, Leiden, 2021, 383 p, 202+32 fig., ISBN 978-90-8890-900-9 (Florina Panait-Bîrzescu) | 247 |
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Chiara Tarditi, Rita Sassu, Offerte in metallo nei santuari greci. Doni votivi, rituali, smaltimento, Atti del seminario internazionale online 29 ottobre 2020, THIASOS. Rivista di archeologia e architettura antica 10, 2, Supplementum V, Roma, Edizioni Quasar, 2021, 68 p., ISSN 2279-7297 (Liviu Mihail Iancu) | 250 |
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Abréviations | 253 |