MIHAI BĂRBULESCU, Alexandru Barnea, tel que je l’ai connu11
VLAD NISTOR, Memories about Alexandru Avram19
INGA GŁUSZEK, The Athenian black gloss pottery from Histria. Some remarks about the technology of production and technique of decoration33
ALINA IANCU, LIVIU MIHAIL IANCU, The first lead spindle whorl reported from Istros63
RADU GABRIEL PETRE, Haute cuisine in ancient Athens. An investigation into the dining habits of a Classical city77
DRAGOȘ HĂLMAGI, Theoroi and theorodokoi in Istros and Samothrake: a new reading of SEG 51, 93699
LUCREZIA UNGARO, Immagine e potere dell’impero attraverso il programma figurativo: novità e continuità nel Foro di Traiano107
CRISTINA-GEORGETA ALEXANDRESCU, Contribution on the Mithras/Sol iconography: the depiction of Mithras with rayed crown163
ANDRZEJ B. BIERNACKI, ELENA KLENINA, Organodetritic limestone from the quarries in Hotnica in architectural details from Novae (Moesia Inferior)181
RADU ARDEVAN, MIHAI MUNTEANU, Deux fragments de diplômes militaires romains201
ADRIAN IONIȚĂ, FLORIAN MATEI-POPESCU, Badge of rank: the miniature spearhead baldric fastener discovered at Feldioara/Marienburg213
CIPRIAN CREȚU, ANDREI DORIAN SOFICARU, An Early Byzantine privileged burial from Histria. (Re)discoverig grave 58 from the Basilica Extra Muros sector227
Gerrie Van Rooijen, Goddesses of Akragas. A Study of Terracotta Votive Figurines from Sicily, Sidestone Press, Leiden, 2021, 383 p, 202+32 fig., ISBN 978-90-8890-900-9 (Florina Panait-Bîrzescu)247
Chiara Tarditi, Rita Sassu, Offerte in metallo nei santuari greci. Doni votivi, rituali, smaltimento, Atti del seminario internazionale online 29 ottobre 2020, THIASOS. Rivista di archeologia e architettura antica 10, 2, Supplementum V, Roma, Edizioni Quasar, 2021, 68 p., ISSN 2279-7297 (Liviu Mihail Iancu)250

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