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MONICA MĂRGINEANU CÂRSTOIU, De l’architecture hellenistique de Callatis: une expression originale du style ionique | 5 |
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STELUŢA GRAMATICU, On the metrology of the city of Istros in the autonomous period | 21 |
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GEORGE CUPCEA, Careers in the guard of the Dacian Governor | 49 |
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FELIX MARCU, GEORGE CUPCEA, Recent developments in the fort of Bologa and on the northwestern Dacian limes | 67 |
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ROBERT GINDELE, Die römerzeitlichen Barbarensiedlungen von Livada/Ciuperceni – Photovoltaik-Anlage GPSP Solaris und Supuru de Sus – Togul lui Cosmi. Neue Angaben bezüglich der rechteckigen Gruben mit gebrannten Wänden aus dem 2.-5. n. Chr. im oberen Theiss-Becken | 83 |
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DANIELA TĂNASE, Considerations on the archaeology of the Early Migrations Period in Banat | 127 |
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DANIEL-CĂLIN ANTON, Ethnische und chronologische Verhältnisse im Gräberfeld Nr. 3 von Brateiu, Siebenbürgen | 153 |
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DANIELA MARCU ISTRATE, Byzantine influences in the Carpathian Basin around the turn of the millennium. The pillared church of Alba Iulia | 177 |
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FRED C. WOUDHUIZEN, The Sea Peoples: superior on land and at the sea | 215 |
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ADRIAN BĂLĂŞESCU, VALENTIN RADU, MIHAI CONSTANTINESCU, SORIN-CRISTIAN AILINCĂI, Animal exploitation in Babadag culture. Satu Nou – Valea lui Voicu site (Oltina, Constanța County) | 227 |
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EMILIAN TELEAGA, Die La-Tène zeitlichen Grabfunde aus Brateiu, jud. Sibiu, Rumänien. Ein Beitrag zum Grabwesen Siebenbürgens | 241 |
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ALEXANDER RUBEL, Afterlife and the living. The Arginusae trial and the omission of burying the dead | 277 |
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CORIOLAN HORAŢIU OPREANU, A detachment of the legio VII Gemina Felix at Porolissum. When and why? | 299 |
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FLORIN-GHEORGHE FODOREAN, Distances along the Roman roads in the ancient itineraries: from Britannia to Asia. A short comparison | 311 |
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CRISTINA MUJA, ADRIAN IONIŢĂ, Sexual dimorphism and general activity levels as revealed by the diaphyseal external shape and historical evidence: case study on a medieval population from Transylvania | 319 |
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SERGEY BOCHAROV, ANDREY MASLOVSKY, AYRAT SITDIKOV, The beginning of glazed ceramics production in the Southeast Crimea during the last quarter of the 13th century – the first quarter of the 14th century | 329 |
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CĂTĂLIN NICOLAE POPA, Late Iron Age archaeology in Romania and the politics of the past | 337 |
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CONSTANTIN C. PETOLESCU, Notes prosopographiques (VIII) | 363 |
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RAINER WIEGELS, Zwei gestempelte Silberbarren und ein spätantiker Goldbarren aus Crasna (Rumänien) | 371 |
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Ion Țurcanu, Antichitatea greco-romană la Nistru de Jos și în teritoriile învecinate, Editura Cartier, Chișinău, 2014, 760 p., 238 fig. (Thibaut Castelli) | 377 |
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Ennio Sanzi, Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Dolichenus. Un “culto orientale” fra tradizione e innovazione: riflessioni storico-religiose (I Saggi, 52), Roma, 2013, 398 p. (Florian Matei-Popescu) | 378 |
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Materiale și Cercetări Arheologice (serie nouă), X, 2014, București, Editura Academiei Române, 300 p. (Liana Oţa) | 379 |
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Abréviations | 383 |
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