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GHEORGHE ALEXANDRU NICULESCU, Culture-historical archaeology and the production of knowledge on ethnic phenomena | 5 |
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ANCA DAN, L’Istros chez Herodote | 25 |
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MONICA MǍRGINEANU CÂRSTOIU, Un chapiteau ionique de Callatis. Observations sur la composition des chapiteaux hellénistiques avec le canal décoré | 57 |
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CONSTANTIN C. PETOLESCU, Villes de la Dacie Romaine | 83 |
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IOAN PISO, OVIDIU ŢENTEA, Un nouveau temple Palmyrénien à Sarmizegetusa | 111 |
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FELIX MARCU, The construction of the Roman forts in Dacia | 133 |
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MIHAIL ZAHARIADE, Two problems of topography and historical geography in Dobrudja | 137 |
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CARMEN MARIA PETOLESCU, L’Enigma delle monete ΚΟΣΩΝ | 149 |
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MIHAI OVIDIU CĂŢOI, Autour de la localisation du monastère d’Halmyrissos de Vita Sancti Hypatii | 183 |
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K. Strobel, Kaiser Traian. Eine Epoche der Weltgeschichte, Regensburg, 2010, 479 p. + 31 fig. + 3 mape (Florian Matei-Popescu) | 203 |
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Cristoforo Grotta, Zeus Meilichios a Selinunte, Historica 9, Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, Roma, 2010, XVII+331 p., 26 figs., 36 tavv (Adrian Robu) | 207 |
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P. Metcalf, The life of the Longhouse. An archaeology of Ethnicity, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 345 p (list of figures, 1 appendix, 2 indexes), 19 figures (Alexandra Ghenghea) | 209 |
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