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TANYA DZHANFEZOVA, On the Late Bronze Age Mortuary Practices in North-Western Bulgaria | 5 |
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MIŞU DAVIDESCU, ALEXANDRU VULPE, The Umfield in Hinova, Mehedinţi county (Roumania) | 43 |
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FLORINA PANAIT BIRZESCU, Apollon Bores/Boreas in den griechischen Koloniestädten des Schwarzmeergebietes. | 97 |
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CONSTANTIN C. PETOLESCU, Sur l’origine de Scythopolis: une hypothèse | 107 |
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CLAUDIU STOIAN, Christianization, Social and Cultural Changes, and Their Impact on Urban Planning and Architecture in Beth Shean (Scythopolis), from the Fourth to Sixth century CE. | 111 |
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RADU OTA, GICĂ BĂEŞTEAN, Water Distribution and Drainage in Apulum | 127 |
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DAN APARASCHIVEI, Being a Physician in Moesia Inferior | 141 |
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MILOŠ SPASIć, Coţofeni Communities at their Southwestem Frontier and their Relationship with Kostolac Population in Serbia | 157 |
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EMILIAN TELEAGA, Wiederentdeckte späthallstattzeitliche Grabfunde aus Miskolc-Diósgyor (Ungarn) | 177 |
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L. F. Vagalinski, Кръв и зрелища. Спорти и гладиаторски игри в елинистическа и румска Тракия / Blood and Entertainments. Sports and Gladiatorial Games in Hellenistic and Roman Thrace, Sofia, 2009, 228 p. + 40 pl. (Ligia Ruscu) | 201 |
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Michael Kerschner, Ireen Kowalleck, Martin Steskal, Archäologische Forschungen zur Siedlungsgeschichte von Ephesos in geometrischer, archaischer und klassischer Zeit. Grabungensbefunde und Keramikfunde aus dem Bereich von Koressos, Ergänzungshefte zu den Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes 9, Wien, 2008, 138 S., 51 Taf. (Iulian Bîrzescu) | 202 |
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Abréviations | 205 |